Community Learning Space
waterloo region’s learning space
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Economic Development

Canada's Technology Triangle (CTT) is the second pilot learning space to be developed for the Community Learning Space project supported by a grant from Human Resources Develpoment Canada (HRDC) in Ottawa.

Based on the discussions and the goals of the project, the Project Research Team together with CTT proposes that the pilot project with Canada's Technology Triangle (CTT) will consist of the following areas of application development (in priority sequence):

  1. Better Assist Businesses and Individuals: Geo-Mapping
    1. Add geo-mapping to the business directory detail listing to locate the business on a map.
    2. Add geo-mapping to the real estate detail listing to locate the property on a map.
    3. Add geo-mapping to the land detail listing to locate the property on a map.
    4. Add a notification application to permit clients to register criteria for notification when a property listing is added or status modified.
    5. Extend the current real estate application to provide geo-map search.
  2. Survey Information
    1. Add a survey form to the business directory.
    2. Add email notification ability to send survey information to Economic Development Officers, as appropriate.
  3. Forward Seeking
    1. Integrate the initiatives of the Learning Spaces Pilot Research Project; to enhance and inform employment growth initiatives through the cooperation of economic, social, cultural, environmental, rural and urban, traditional and leading-edge aspects of the community.

Computer Systems Group | University of Waterloo | 200 University Ave. W. | Waterloo, Ontario Canada | N2L 3G1 | 519.888.4004 |

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