WRAC Cultural Directory
The WRAC cultural directory provided through the learning space is stored in a relational database that is generated using agent technology from an Access database located on a computer at the Waterloo Regional Arts Council office. While it would be preferable to connect directly to the WRAC database, the copy on the learning space server permits faster and more flexible access; for example, the server database is running on a machine that provides 24x7 access
The relationship diagram for the WRAC cultural directory database stored in Microsoft Access is available as a PDF file.
Inventory of Venues and Exhibition Spaces
The WRAC exhibition and performance venues database provided through the learning space is stored in a relational database that is generated using agent technology from an Access database located on a computer at the Waterloo Regional Arts Council office. While it would be preferable to connect directly to the WRAC database, the copy on the learning space server permits faster and more flexible access; for example, the server database is running on a machine that provides 24x7 access
The relationship diagram for the WRAC exhibition and performance venues database stored in Microsoft Access is available as a PDF file.
Press Releases
The press releases are currently stored as HTML files on disk. A database table in the WRAC supplemental database records information such as the title, file name, release date, event start date and so on.
The profile portfolio files are stored on disk. A database table in the WRAC supplemental database records the text content for the profile as well as information such as the title, file names, and so on.